Another ‘New to Me’ Oracle Support Feature

I seem to be spending a lot of time in My Oracle Support (MOS) recently, and I’m going to say this is due to the vast quantity of helpful information contained therein, not because everything I touch has broken for past three months.  It has been an opportunity to explore some MOS functionality.  One nice feature I hadn’t seen before is the configurable ‘Hot Topics’ email, which provides a great way to keep up to date with new support information. Continue reading

Productivity Tip – Firefox Smart Keywords

No MDX, Essbase or ASO internals in the post (you may be relieved to read).

Instead, I want to highlight a very simple but wonderful feature of the Firefox browser – using Smart Keywords (aka ‘Smart Bookmarks‘) to perform custom searches. In brief, ‘Smart Keywords’ allow you to associate the search function of a web page with a text keyword.

If you’re already familiar – as many ‘tech’ types will be – you can stop reading now. If you aren’t, I think you’ll be very pleasantly surprised by how easy this makes accessing your go-to EPM online resources. Continue reading