ASO Query Tracking Trivia

A Network54 Essbase board user asked a question today that I’ve heard a few times without ever being sure of the answer:

“If the MDX report run after query tracking is enabled returns no data… ….does it still aggregate?”

In other words, if you turn on query tracking in ASO and then run queries, but those queries only return #Missing instead of finding some data, will the queries still affect the aggregate views that Essbase chooses?

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Why BSO Disk Space doesn’t follow Block Density

When choosing which BSO (or Hybrid) dimensions to make dense and which to make sparse, a higher block density is generally considered ‘better’. This is a simplification, as the densest combination isn’t always the best performing, but bear with me. The point I want to make and explain in this post is this:
When using bitmap compression, squeezing a given set of data into a denser arrangement doesn’t always result in a space saving of the same magnitude
This isn’t totally intuitive, and it can come as surprise to see that your huge increase in block density has only made a modest dent in the size of your .pag files.

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MDX and ASO – Implied Share Metadata Oddities

Essbase is Wrong

Once or twice I’ve got stuck troubleshooting an ASO query or MDX member formula, only to discover – after some head-scratching – that Essbase and I disagree about the appropriate value of a metadata property on an implicitly shared member. Whether the (very strange) behavior described below is by design I don’t know, but since ASO and BSO do not behave the same way and I can’t find any documentation describing a difference in this area, I have to suspect not. Continue reading